is available to any travel professional who works in
an ARC/IATAN or CLIA approved Suffolk County travel
agency as either an owner, manager, inside or
outside agent or any travel supplier whose territory
includes Suffolk County.
Annual dues are
only $45.00. |
TASC meets on the second Wednesday of every month at : SHANDON COURT 115 East Main Street East Islip, New York http://www.shandoncourt.com Dinner costs
$30.00 for Members & $40.00 for Non-Members.
Please call 631-363-9522 or EMAIL TASCRSVP@gmail.com and phone is and RSVP by Friday before the meeting. |
TASC hosts a trade show each year on the 2nd Wednesday in November at the Holiday Inn Airport East. Admission is free to all bona-fide travel agents. |
Agents of Suffolk County